Museum Ship Santo André

The museum ship Santo André is an extension of the Maritime Museum of Ílhavo. It was a side trawler, part of the Portuguese cod fleet, built in 1948 in Holland, and ordered by the Empresa de Pesca de Aveiro ("Aveiro fishing company"). At the time it was a modern ship with a length of 71,40 meters and a hold capacity for over 1000 tons of fish. It was a modern ship of 71,40 meters length and a hold capacity for over 1000 tons of fish.

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In the 1980s, in response to concerns about overfishing, new restrictions on quotas led to a severe reduction in the size of the fleet, and the Santo André was one of the ships to be decommissioned, being unmasted on August 21, 1997.

Its owner and the municipal council of Ílhavo decided to transform the Santo André into a museum, which was opened to the public in 2001. Now, the Santo André showcases the techniques used by cod-fishing trawlers and the life of the fishers from last century to present and future generations while honoring the memory of those who worked aboard during its half century of activity.